Art Courses
ART 113 Studio Art (GE) (3)
An elementary approach to form, subject, and content through drawing and painting. Fee required
ART 120 Drawing I (GE) (3)
Basic techniques of observational drawing. Fee required.
ART 175R Topics in Art (Var.) (3)
Various topics offered as needed. Fees may apply.
ART 210 Art History I (GE) (3)
A survey of painting, sculpture, and architecture from prehistory through the late middle ages.
ART 214 Ceramics (GE) (3)
Basic clay techniques including hand building, throwing, glazing and firing. Fee required.
ART 215 Art History II (GE) (3)
A survey of painting, sculpture, and architecture from the Renaissance through the modern period.
ART 223 Two-Dimensional Design (GE) (3)
An analytical introduction to the elements of design in various media.
ART 227 Three-Dimensional Design (GE) (3)
Experiments in the use of materials and elements of design related to three-dimensional structures.
ART 230 Introduction to Oil Painting (GE) (3)
Basic concepts and techniques of oil painting. Fee required.
ART 240 Printmaking I (GE) (3)
Basic intaglio, monotype, and relief techniques. Fee required.
ART 250 Watercolor I (GE) (3)
Basic techniques of traditional transparent watercolor. Fee required.
ART 275R Topics in Art (Var.) (3)
Various topics offered as needed. Fees may apply.
ART 300 Travel Study: Italian Renaissance (3)
Study of Renaissance painting, sculpture, and architecture at important locations throughout Italy. Prerequisite: ART 215 or consent of instructor.
ART 315 Non-Western Art (3)
Survey of non-western art from ancient to modern times with emphasis on the areas of major production: India, China, and Japan, and exposure to areas such as Africa. Prerequisites: ART 210 and ART 215.
ART 317R Sculpture (3)
Basic sculpture processes including clay modeling and wood or stone carving. Fee required. Prerequisite: ART 227.
ART 320R Drawing II (3)
Further exploration of drawing techniques with an emphasis on technical proficiency, concept development, and creative expression. Fee required. Prerequisite: ART 120..
ART 325R Advanced Figure Drawing (3)
Exploration of the human figure in drawing media. Includes study of human anatomy. Fee required. Prerequisite: ART 120.
ART 330R Oil Painting II (3)
Further exploration of oil painting techniques with an emphasis on technical proficiency, concept development, and creative expression. Fee required. Prerequisite: ART 230.
ART 340R Printmaking II (3)
Relief, intaglio, and monotype with an emphasis on proficiency and creative expression. Fee required. Prerequisite: ART 240.
ART 350R Watercolor II (3)
Extended investigation of water-based media, with an emphasis on traditional transparent watecolor. Prerequisite: ART 250.
ART 375R Topics in Art (Var.)
Various topics offered as needed. Fees may apply.
ART 385R Directed Study in Art (Var.)
Study focusing on a topic of individual interest under guidance of instructor. Prerequisites: art major and proposal agreement before registration.
ART 399 Internship/Practicum in Art. (1-3)
Internship or practicum in field of potential employment or advanced study. Internship proposal must be approved before registration. Prerequisites: art major and consent of instructor.
ART 485R Directed Study in Art (Var.)
Study focusing on a topic of individual interest under guidance of instructor. Prerequisites: art major and proposal agreement before registration.
ART 498 Senior Show (3)
Senior capstone experience for art majors culminating in oral presentations and group exhibit. Prerequisite: consent of instructor.