Physical Education Courses
PER 113 Beginning Social Dance (GE) (1)
General education physical activity course on social dance. Focuses on American and Latin dance fundamentals with activities included for fun.
PER 116 Beginning Tennis (GE) (1)
General education physical activity course on beginning tennis. Proper mechanics, scoring, and other issues in this lifetime activity.
PER 117 Volleyball (GE) (1)
General education physical activity course on volleyball. Develops the skills and techniques for volleyball while promoting teamwork.
PER 119 Hiking (GE) (1)
General education physical activity course on hiking. Efficiency of movement, safety, and environment are factors in this course. Provides opportunities to explore numerous hiking trails in the Shenandoah Valley.
PER 120 Jogging (1)
General education physical activity course on jogging. Encompasses training techniques, stretching and flexibility, safety, proper clothes and shoes, running surfaces, and the body’s physiological response to this cardiorespiratory activity.
PER 123 Intermediate Social Dance (GE) (1)
Social dance instruction at the intermediate level.
PER 125 Camping & Outdoor Skills (GE) (1)
General education physical activity course on camping. Includes all facets of camping in the outdoors such as fire-lighting, cooking, back-packing, leave-no-trace ethics, food storage and bivouacking. Participants will be expected to participate in a minimum of two (2) overnight activities.
PER 126 Net Games (GE) (1)
General education physical activity course on traditional and untraditional sports activities using a net. Activities might include but may not be limited to basketball, volleyball, tennis, badminton, volley, floor hockey, and others.
PER 127 Basketball (GE) (1)
General education physical activity course on basketball. Develops fundamental skills and techniques aimed at improving personal play while promoting sportsmanship and lifetime recreation interest.
PER 128 Soccer (GE) (1)
General education physical activity course on soccer. Focus is upon basic fundamentals of soccer including passing, shooting, dribbling, heading, and game-play.
PER 129 Outdoor Sports (GE) (1)
General education physical activity course on outdoor sports. Includes various activities such as repelling, camping, and the proper, safe techniques needed to enhance an individual’s education in these areas.
PER 130 Step Aerobics. (GE) (1)
General education physical activity course on step aerobics. Provides cardiorespiratory fitness while demonstrating proper techniques for movement.
PER 131 Strength Training (1)
General education physical activity course on strength training. Highlights the body’s ability to respond to strength training, including safe weight-lifting techniques.
PER 132 Flag Football (GE) (1)
General education physical activity course in flag football. Encompasses strategies, defense, and offense. Special focus applied to rules and officiating of competitions.
PER 133 Softball (GE) (1)
General education physical activity course on softball. Provides instruction in hitting, pitching, fielding, base-running, and game-play.
PER 136 Racquetball (GE) (1)
General education physical activity course on racquetball.
PER 137 Golf (GE) (1)
General education physical activity course on golf. Includes basic fundamentals of driving, chipping, putting, club and shot selection.
PER 143 Health and Wellness (GE) (2)
Correct concepts for cardiovascular endurance, strength, flexibility, weight control, and total wellness. Self-responsibility is emphasized.
PER 144 Recreation Sports and Activities (GE) (3)
Explores a diversity of conventional recreation sports and activities emphasizing skill acquisition and development. Project required. May be used once as a general education physical activity course. $25 fee required.
PER 175R Topics in Physical Activity (GE) (1)
General education physical activity course on a topic determined by instructor.
PER 203 First Aid (2)
In-depth coverage of first aid procedures for injuries and sudden illness. Leads to first aid and CPR certification.
PER 207 Foundations of PERA (GE) (3)
Explores the significance of leisure in the context of history, culture, gender, age, politics, the marketplace, mass media, and contemporary issues. Demonstrates how leisure helps define who we are as an individual, community, nation, and society.
PER 216 Intermediate Tennis (GE) (1)
General education physical activity course on intermediate tennis. Offers the proficient tennis player the opportunity to further develop his/her game, together with mastering more advanced shot selection. Prerequisite: PER 116 or consent of instructor.
PER 217 Officiating (1)
Rules, mechanics, problems, and procedures in officiating for church, intramural, recreation and interscholastic programs.
PER 231 Intermediate Strength Training (GE) (1)
General education physical activity course on intermediate strength training. Further development and enhancement of strength training principles learned in beginning strength training. Special focus will be on developing an individualized, long-term weight-training program. Prerequisite: PER 131 or consent of instructor.
PER 247 Cooperative Education Programs (3)
Provides opportunities to explore career choices, participate in field trips, interview and evaluate agencies, prepare for internships or employment, acquire leadership skills, discuss ethics, and become familiar with resources in the field such as professional organizations, educational programs, research, etc. $10 fee required.
PER 259R Physical Conditioning (0.5-1.0) (GE) (0.5)
Physical conditioning and skill acquisition for varsity and junior varsity sports. May be used for up to two (2) credit hours of the Core physical activity requirement. Prerequisite: consent of instructor.
PER 264 Introduction to Physical Training (2)
Introduction to the field of physical training and the first class in the series toward professional certification. Basic principles of periodization, strength training, nutrition, cardio respiratory endurance, body mechanics, physiology and program development.
PER 275R Topics in Physical Education and (3)
Topics in Physical Education and Recreation Administration.
PER 307 Program Planning and Leadership (3)
Develops a basic understanding of the history, philosophy, planning, organization, and management of recreation programming. Includes program development processes in creating and implementing opportunities for positive leisure experiences. Prerequisite: PER 207.
PER 314 Theory of Coaching Baseball/Softbal (2)
Develops knowledge and understanding necessary to teach skills, form philosophies, and work with issues surrounding the profession. Prerequisite: junior class standing or consent of instructor.
PER 316 Theory of Coaching Basketball (2)
The complex issues involved in coaching basketball as well as the techniques of teaching the mechanics. Prerequisite: junior class standing or consent of instructor.
PER 318 Theory of Coaching Soccer (2)
Correct techniques and strategies involved in coaching soccer as well as the numerous other duties involved in coaching. Prerequisite: junior class standing or consent of instructor.
PER 322 Theory of Coaching Football (2)
Develops basic knowledge of the skills, strategies and techniques used in the successful teaching and coaching of the game of football. Prerequisite: junior class standing or consent of instructor.
PER 324 Theory of Coaching Track/X-country (2)
Theory and methodology of training athletes in track and field and cross-country. Includes peripheral issues relevant to the successful coach. Prerequisite: junior class standing or consent of instructor.
PER 326 Theory of Coaching Volleyball (2)
Develops knowledge and understanding necessary to teach skills, form philosophies, and work with issues surrounding the profession. Prerequisite: junior class standing or consent of instructor.
PER 328 Theory of Coaching Wrestling (2)
Develops knowledge and understanding necessary to teach skills, form philosophies, and work with issues surrounding the profession. Prerequisite: junior class standing or consent of instructor.
PER 333 Foundations of Therapeutic (3)
Inclusion of persons with disabilities into all aspects of community life is becoming a reality. This course enables those entering into the physical education and leisure professions to respond to the needs of all consumers, including those with disabilities. Prerequisite: PER 207.
PER 338R Activity Programming and Outdoor (3)
Program development, implementation and evaluation in adventure recreation and outdoor sports. This course focuses on outdoor leadership and exposes the student to a wide variety of adventure-based recreation activities. $50 fee required. Prerequisite: PER 207
PER 363 Kinesiology (3)
Study of film and video for human movement evaluation, including data smoothing techniques. Quantitative kinematics and kinetic analysis including examples of gait, jumping, and lifting activities. Prerequisite: PER 207. Recommended: BIO 228.
PER 364 Introduction to Athletic Training (3)
Introduction to current practice in the treatment of athletic injuries. Includes immediate intervention therapy to minimize injury, injury assessment, assessment of injury causes, techniques to support healing of injuries, effective rehabilitative strategies, and use of athletic training protocols. Prerequisites: PER 207 and either BIO 228 or PER 363.
PER 365 Assessment and Curriculum (3)
Basic sport physiology, principles of training, individual differences and athletic injuries, physical demands of activities, sport-specific skill training, and how the body responds to different forms of exercise. Assessment of athletic ability and designing appropriate physical education classes or training programs. Prerequisite: PER 207.
PER 366 Motor Learning (3)
Study of theoretical constructs of knowledge and learning of motor learning principles related to response mechanisms, feedback motivation, stress anxiety factors, and the variables influencing the acquisition of motor skills. Prerequisites: PER 207 and 363.
PER 367 Psychology of Sport (3)
Historical perspectives, scientific and methodological approaches to behaviors demonstrated in athletics, and the effects on society. Prerequisites: junior or senior class standing and consent of instructor. Prerequisite: PER 207.
PER 374 Facility and Park Planning (3)
Planning theories, techniques, and issues affecting facility and park planning in municipal, private, and outdoor recreation. Methods of site design, resource inventory and allocation, architectural design, and maintenance of facilities such as swimming pools, gymnasiums, sports fields, trails, and tennis courts. Prerequisite: PER 207.
PER 375R Topics:in Physical Education and (3)
Topics may include experiential learning, topical inquiry, and conceptual analysis in Physical Education and Recreation Administration. Prerequisite: PER 207.
PER 385R Directed Study in Physical Educatio (3)
Specific problems or areas of interest are investigated under the direction of a faculty advisor. Prerequisite: PER 207 and consent of instructor.
PER 399R Internship/Practicum in Physical Ed (3)
Participation in a variety of supervised practical experiences including commercial, governmental, municipal, athletic, travel/tourism, or wilderness adventure experiences, or in programs for special populations, arts, etc. Internship proposal must be approved before registration. $3 per credit hour fee required. Prerequisites: PER 207, 307, and consent of instructor.
PER 407 Research and Evaluation (3)
Methods of research and evaluation including surveys, experiments, cost-benefit analyses, importance-performance analysis, personnel evaluation, data processing and analysis, and display and interpretation of data. Research/evaluation project required. Cross-listed with FCD 407. Prerequisite: MAT 221.
PER 413 Legal and Financial Aspects of Phys (3)
Study of the roles, philosophies and strategies of management, emphasizing that management must be informed and adaptable if it is to remain viable. Prerequisites: PER 207 and 307.
PER 499 Sr. Internship/Project in Physical (6)
Full-time professional internship. Practical experiences include commercial, governmental, municipal, athletic, travel/tourism, or wilderness adventure experiences, or participation in programs for special populations, arts, etc. Internship proposal must be approved before registration. $3 per credit hour fee required. Prerequisites: PER 207, 307, 399, and consent of instructor.