Theatre Courses
THE 106 Stagecraft (GE) (3)
Basic techniques of theatrical set construction, lighting, sound, and allied crafts. Participation in development and implementation of SVU theatre productions.
THE 110 Introduction to Acting (GE) (3)
Philosophy and basic techniques of acting, including character interactions, transitions, the structuring of acting, and improvisation.
THE 175R Topics in Theatre (3)
Topics in theatre.
THE 206 Introduction to Production Design (3)
Basic tools, techniques, and theories of set, lighting, costume, and sound design for theatrical productions.
THE 208 Scene Painting (3)
Introduction to techniques, tools, and materials employed in theatrical scene painting. Students may participate in development and implementation of SVU theater productions.
THE 210 Intermediate Acting (3)
Introduction to scene work including improvisations and performance of scenes and monologues. Prerequisite: THE 110.
THE 215 Introduction to Theatre History (GE) (3)
An introduction to the history of Western theatre.
THE 230R Applied Theatre I (1)
Practical experience in the technical and administrative aspects of theatrical production.
THE 275R Topics in Theatre (3)
Topics in theatre.
THE 310 Advanced Acting: Musical Theatre (3)
Advanced acting techniques as applied to musical theatre. Prerequisite: THE 210.
THE 313 Set Design (3)
Vocabulary, skills design concepts, and artistic elements of theatrical set design. Prerequisite: THE 206 or consent of instructor.
THE 314 Lighting Design (3)
Basic vocabulary and skills in lighting production. Participation in the lighting process of SVU theatrical productions. Prerequisite: THE 206 or consent of instructor.
THE 330R Applied Theatre II (1)
Practical experience in the performance and technical aspects of theatrical production.
THE 331 Directing (3)
Study of the elements of drama as they exist in play scripts. Prerequisite: THE 210 or consent of instructor.
THE 340 Dramatic Literature of Western Civilization (3)
A survey of dramatic literature exploring the development of great Western drama from the Greeks to American theatre of the mid 20th century through critical reading of selected texts. Prerequisite: THE 110 or 215.
THE 341 Playwriting (3)
Creation of style and technique in playwriting; discipline and practice of the writer. Includes discussion of student work and the reading of contemporary plays. Conferences with instructor. Cross-listed with ENG 341. Prerequisite: ENG 120.
THE 345 Contemporary Dramatic Literature (3)
Study of the drama of the last twenty-five years. Includes prepared oral reading in class. Prerequisite: THE 110 or 215.
THE 358 Theatre Makeup (3)
Practical exploration in the techniques of theatrical makeup. Prerequisite: THE 206 or consent of instructor.
THE 375R Topics in Theatre (3)
Topics in theatre. Prerequisite: consent of instructor.
THE 385R Directed Study in Theatre (3)
Directed study in theatre. Prerequisite: consent of instructor.
THE 399R Theatre Practicum (1)
Credit for advanced acting in or major technical support for a main stage production where acquired knowledge and skills will be practically applied. A written report of the process is required.
THE 410 Advanced Acting: Period Styles (3)
Acting styles as applied to dramatic literature prior to the modern period. Prerequisite: THE 210.
THE 498 Senior Project (2)
Senior project in theatre. Must be approved by program coordinator prior to registration. Prerequisites: senior class standing, consent of instructor, and theatre major.
THE 499 Senior Internship/Practicum in Theatre (3)
Internship or practicum in field of potential employment or advanced study. Internship proposal must be approved before registration. Prerequisites: senior class standing, consent of instructor, and theatre major.