Skills for Life Courses
SKL 103 Career Exploration and Social Intelligence (GE) (1)
This course will focus on personal branding and discusses variables to consider when career planning. Students will identify their long-term goals, strengths/values, and learn about professionalism as it pertains to the job application process.
SKL 175R Topics in Skills for Life (3)
Topics in Skills for Life.
SKL 275R Topics in Skills For Life (3)
Topics in Skills for Life. Post-college and internship/practicum preparation course. Focuses on discovery, exploration, and preparation for career, interim jobs, and graduate school; effective presentation of one’s purposes, skills, and interests through resumes, cover letters, and interviews; and getting good junior-year internships in fields such as the arts, humanities, business, and government. Prerequisite: junior or senior class standing.
SKL 375R Topics in Skills for Life (3)
Topics in Skills for Life. Prerequisite: consent of instructor.